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coming very soon...

IMAGINE...A massive, privatly owned reserve. Located deep, in a DARK, FORBODING forest! Hidden safely, far, far away, from HUNTERS, and various NONBELIEVERS;

Call it our own, secret, GARDEN OF EDEN! Secluded, and TOTALLY isolated. Far removed from all of the PRYING EYES, and GREEDY CLUTCHES of those individuals that would only EXPLOIT and DESTROY what remains of these IMMENSE, FLESH-EATING survivors without MERCY or REGARD!



is presently interested in communicating with ANYONE with access to, or assets available for, the aquisition of ANOTHER PLANET. Ideally, We would prefere a VERY LARGE SUM OF MONEY. This would enable our own team of 'environmental specialist's' to shop for just the right place. We are sure, any one can appreciate that these GIANT BEASTS are going to have some pretty specific requirements if they are going to survive. AIR... comes to mind immediatly. Then, of coarse, they'll need food, and a lot of water, etc, etc...The list just goes on and on...